Femorning Daily 05.07.2024





1. According to a report from the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the announcement (III) of the Jiangsu Provincial Party and Government Organs, Public Institutions, and Group Organizations for the 2024-2025 New Energy Vehicle Framework Agreement Procurement shortlist shows that Tesla ModeY has entered the Jiangsu Provincial Government's new energy vehicle procurement catalog. The latest batch of procurement nominees also includes models such as the Wenjie M7, Avita 11, Zhiji LS6, and Zhiji L7.


2. According to data released by the Ministry of Commerce, China's service trade continued to grow rapidly from January to May, with a total import and export volume of 3021.96 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16%. Among them, exports reached 1219.56 billion yuan, an increase of 11%; Imports reached 1802.4 billion yuan, an increase of 19.6%; The service trade deficit is 582.84 billion yuan.


3. The Meteorological Bureau has released the Blue Book on Climate Change in China (2024). China is a sensitive and significant area for global climate change, with significant changes occurring at multiple levels of the climate system. The comprehensive analysis of long-term climate observation data shows that extreme high temperature events occur more frequently, with stronger intensity and longer duration.


4. According to the Shanghai Securities News, on July 3rd, the first batch of urban village renovation projects in Huangpu District, Guangzhou, launched the "Housing Supermarket" with 17 properties listed. Villagers who choose to place their housing tickets can enter the "Housing Supermarket" to purchase houses and use their housing tickets for settlement. This is also the first "Housing Supermarket" launched in Guangdong.


5. According to China Fund News, several ordinary index funds and LOF funds have recently announced their transformation into ETF linked funds. This may indicate the strong demand and rate advantage of ETF linked funds in the current market environment. Since the beginning of this year, ETF linked funds have caused fund companies to compete for layout, and the number of established funds has reached a new historical high for the same period.


6. According to data from Securities Daily, in the first half of this year, a total of 2036 funds under 134 public institutions implemented dividends, with a total of 2930 dividends and a total dividend amount of approximately 89.04 billion yuan. Compared to the same period in 2023, the number of dividend funds increased and the number of dividends increased in the first half of 2024, but the total amount of dividends slightly decreased.


7. According to a report by securities firm China, on July 3rd, multiple small cap themed ETFs issued liquidation warnings, indicating signs of institutional clients withdrawing. Since the beginning of this year, there has been a significant performance gap between large cap and small cap funds. Driven by dividend style, the performance of large cap theme funds has continued to rise, while the siphon effect of funds has further weakened the operational space of small cap funds.


8. According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in May, the export of complete vehicles reached 569000 units, a month on month increase of 2.3% and a year-on-year increase of 29.7%. The export amount reached 10.54 billion US dollars, a month on month decrease of 1.4% and a year-on-year increase of 16.6%. From January to May, the export of complete vehicles was 2.446 million, a year-on-year increase of 26.6%; The export amount reached 46.43 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 19.9%.

8、中汽协数据显示,5月, 汽车整车出口56.9万辆,环比增长2.3%,同比增长29.7%,出口金额达105.4亿美元,环比下降1.4%,同比增长16.6%。1-5月,汽车整车出口244.6万辆,同比增长26.6%;出口金额达464.3亿美元,同比增长19.9%。

9. According to data released by IoT, in June, the China E-commerce Logistics Index was 114.8 points, a month on month increase of 0.9 points, further expanding the increase and rising for four consecutive months. The total business volume index of e-commerce logistics was 132.9 points, with a month on month increase of 3.1 points.


10. On July 4th, Shangtang Technology released its first "controllable" character video generation model Vimi, which is mainly aimed at C-end users and supports various entertainment interaction scenarios such as chatting, singing, and dancing. Vimi can produce single shot character videos that grow up to 1 minute, driven by various elements such as existing character videos, animations, sound, and text.



1. According to a report from the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the announcement (III) of the Jiangsu Provincial Party and Government Organs, Public Institutions, and Group Organizations for the 2024-2025 New Energy Vehicle Framework Agreement Procurement shortlist shows that Tesla ModeY has entered the Jiangsu Provincial Government's new energy vehicle procurement catalog. The latest batch of procurement nominees also includes models such as the Wenjie M7, Avita 11, Zhiji LS6, and Zhiji L7.


2. According to data released by the Ministry of Commerce, China's service trade continued to grow rapidly from January to May, with a total import and export volume of 3021.96 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16%. Among them, exports reached 1219.56 billion yuan, an increase of 11%; Imports reached 1802.4 billion yuan, an increase of 19.6%; The service trade deficit is 582.84 billion yuan.


3. The Meteorological Bureau has released the Blue Book on Climate Change in China (2024). China is a sensitive and significant area for global climate change, with significant changes occurring at multiple levels of the climate system. The comprehensive analysis of long-term climate observation data shows that extreme high temperature events occur more frequently, with stronger intensity and longer duration.


4. According to the Shanghai Securities News, on July 3rd, the first batch of urban village renovation projects in Huangpu District, Guangzhou, launched the "Housing Supermarket" with 17 properties listed. Villagers who choose to place their housing tickets can enter the "Housing Supermarket" to purchase houses and use their housing tickets for settlement. This is also the first "Housing Supermarket" launched in Guangdong.


5. According to China Fund News, several ordinary index funds and LOF funds have recently announced their transformation into ETF linked funds. This may indicate the strong demand and rate advantage of ETF linked funds in the current market environment. Since the beginning of this year, ETF linked funds have caused fund companies to compete for layout, and the number of established funds has reached a new historical high for the same period.


6. According to data from Securities Daily, in the first half of this year, a total of 2036 funds under 134 public institutions implemented dividends, with a total of 2930 dividends and a total dividend amount of approximately 89.04 billion yuan. Compared to the same period in 2023, the number of dividend funds increased and the number of dividends increased in the first half of 2024, but the total amount of dividends slightly decreased.


7. According to a report by securities firm China, on July 3rd, multiple small cap themed ETFs issued liquidation warnings, indicating signs of institutional clients withdrawing. Since the beginning of this year, there has been a significant performance gap between large cap and small cap funds. Driven by dividend style, the performance of large cap theme funds has continued to rise, while the siphon effect of funds has further weakened the operational space of small cap funds.


8. According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in May, the export of complete vehicles reached 569000 units, a month on month increase of 2.3% and a year-on-year increase of 29.7%. The export amount reached 10.54 billion US dollars, a month on month decrease of 1.4% and a year-on-year increase of 16.6%. From January to May, the export of complete vehicles was 2.446 million, a year-on-year increase of 26.6%; The export amount reached 46.43 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 19.9%.

8、中汽协数据显示,5月, 汽车整车出口56.9万辆,环比增长2.3%,同比增长29.7%,出口金额达105.4亿美元,环比下降1.4%,同比增长16.6%。1-5月,汽车整车出口244.6万辆,同比增长26.6%;出口金额达464.3亿美元,同比增长19.9%。

9. According to data released by IoT, in June, the China E-commerce Logistics Index was 114.8 points, a month on month increase of 0.9 points, further expanding the increase and rising for four consecutive months. The total business volume index of e-commerce logistics was 132.9 points, with a month on month increase of 3.1 points.


10. On July 4th, Shangtang Technology released its first "controllable" character video generation model Vimi, which is mainly aimed at C-end users and supports various entertainment interaction scenarios such as chatting, singing, and dancing. Vimi can produce single shot character videos that grow up to 1 minute, driven by various elements such as existing character videos, animations, sound, and text.




feuser_5700861 4个月前 已阅
feuser_5706772 3年前 资本家在炒作,本来就不是自己的钱,什么坑不坑呢?
财经头条||许征宇 5年前 用免费咖啡换一次APP下载,这是进攻的路径,老用户通过邀请新用户获得一杯咖啡进行拉新,所有用户又不断被咖啡红包、咖啡请客等玩法唤醒,luckin以此提高存量用户的下单频次,这是结果。
财经头条||许征宇 5年前 每个企业都有自己的生命周期!