


   近日,华中农业大学经济管理学院博士生梁皖琪与美国奥本大学的Wenying Li教授及博士生Pathmanathan Sivashankar、Yunei Hua合作,在国际期刊“Nature Food”上发表了题为“Global food expenditure patterns diverge between low-income and high-income countries”的研究成果。该研究探讨了各国消费者在不同食品类别上的预算分配模式是否趋同。研究结果表明,全球食品支出并未呈现出统一的趋同模式:低收入国家消费者在食品需求上并未完全跟随高收入国家的变化路径,各国消费者在食品类别上的预算分配因为收入水平、粮食进口与生产增长率、人均国内生产总值及文化等因素而存在差异。
经济管理学院博士生梁皖琪为论文第一作者,奥本大学Wenying Li教授为通讯作者,奥本大学博士生Pathmanathan Sivashankar和Yunei Hua参与了该项研究工作。
Globalization, income growth and changing cultural trends are believed to prompt consumers in low-income countries to adopt the more affluent diet of high-income countries. This study investigates the convergence of food expenditure patterns worldwide, focusing on total food expenditure, raw food categories and ultra-processed foods and beverages across more than 90 countries over the past decades. Contrary to prior belief, we find that food expenditure patterns of lower-income countries do not universally align with those of higher-income nations. This trend is evident across most raw food categories and ultra-processed foods and beverages, as the income level of a country continues to play a crucial role in determining its food expenditure patterns. importantly, expenditure patterns offer estimates rather than a precise idea of dietary intake, reflecting consumer choices shaped by economic constraints rather than exact dietary consumption.
   近日,华中农业大学经济管理学院博士生梁皖琪与美国奥本大学的Wenying Li教授及博士生Pathmanathan Sivashankar、Yunei Hua合作,在国际期刊“Nature Food”上发表了题为“Global food expenditure patterns diverge between low-income and high-income countries”的研究成果。该研究探讨了各国消费者在不同食品类别上的预算分配模式是否趋同。研究结果表明,全球食品支出并未呈现出统一的趋同模式:低收入国家消费者在食品需求上并未完全跟随高收入国家的变化路径,各国消费者在食品类别上的预算分配因为收入水平、粮食进口与生产增长率、人均国内生产总值及文化等因素而存在差异。
经济管理学院博士生梁皖琪为论文第一作者,奥本大学Wenying Li教授为通讯作者,奥本大学博士生Pathmanathan Sivashankar和Yunei Hua参与了该项研究工作。
Globalization, income growth and changing cultural trends are believed to prompt consumers in low-income countries to adopt the more affluent diet of high-income countries. This study investigates the convergence of food expenditure patterns worldwide, focusing on total food expenditure, raw food categories and ultra-processed foods and beverages across more than 90 countries over the past decades. Contrary to prior belief, we find that food expenditure patterns of lower-income countries do not universally align with those of higher-income nations. This trend is evident across most raw food categories and ultra-processed foods and beverages, as the income level of a country continues to play a crucial role in determining its food expenditure patterns. importantly, expenditure patterns offer estimates rather than a precise idea of dietary intake, reflecting consumer choices shaped by economic constraints rather than exact dietary consumption.